Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy 150th Anniversary of the Morrill Land Grant Act! (from a Grateful Grad of a Land Grant School)

One hundred fifty years ago next Monday, President Lincoln signed a bill that has become known as the Morrill Land Grant Act, which made it possible for many states, mostly in the west and midwest, to create 68 state colleges and universities.

The University of California, Berkeley, will be the site of an informal celebration to commemorate the anniversary at 11:45 am next Monday next to the bust of Abraham Lincoln at the south base of the Campanile.

I am the beneficiary of just such an education, having graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, in 1985. Cal Poly was founded as a vocational high school and developed into a leading university over the past 100-plus years, but it would not have been possible without President Lincoln's signature 150 years ago.

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